This one is just rich. Today, Boston.com, a website owned by that liberal media mecca, The Boston Globe, is reporting that the Commonwealth is trying to enforce its 5% sales tax on other states by means of what is called a "Use Tax."
A Use Tax is a sort of excise tax levied, not based on the sale, but based on the fact that you own an item. Here in Massachusetts, we're accustomed to paying an annual excise tax on our cars. Which means, you pay a tax on the car you own, the gas you fill it up with, the roads you drive on, and the license you have to obtain to drive it. You also have to pay a tax to have it inspected and a tax to put a license plate on it. If you should happen to not have enough money to do any of these last three things, don't worry, you will be pulled over and fined an additional amount of money for not having the money for the other things.
But I digress.
Now they're trying to force a chain store that sells tires in New England to apply the state sales tax on people from Massachusetts who buy tires in New Hampshire. Town Faire Tire Centers is fighting back with a lawsuit against the Commonwealth, seeking relief against a new fascist policy that is patently offensive.
In years past, towns along and near the New Hampshire border have petitioned the Commonwealth for a waiver of sales tax to enable to compete with merchants who have been attracting Massachusetts residents over the border to do their shopping in "Tax Free New Hampshire," as it is advertised. However, it looks like the Mass-Holes running the show here have taken that idea one better. Rather than pulling back its curtain of taxation along the border, they've decided to use it to invade New Hampshire.
This is nothing short of despicable. If this doesn't piss you off, then, frankly, my friend, you don't have American blood in your veins. My first reaction to reading this article was to whip out a copy of the Constitution of the United States and... (what do you mean? You don't keep a copy of the Constitution with you?? You pinko)... and do some checking to see if this was even permissible. I was astonished to see that there was nothing preventing it. While Article I section 10 did give me some hope, as I looked at it closely, it did not restrict this sort of shannanigan. In fact, Wikipedia's examination of the topic provided further evidence that this sort of thing isn't without precedent.
So what do we do?
Well, for one, call your local soviet, er, I mean legislator and read him the riot act. Make it clear you're holding him personally responsible. Then if you're buying something out of state, don't use a credit card. Don't show any ID at all. Use cash.
While liberals like Obama are calling for tax cuts for the middle class to help save the economy. Gov. Patrick is here at home sucking up more taxes. He just initiated a tax on candy, snacks, and tonic (Pop, for those of you who don't know), and he's moving to raise taxes on gasoline. Raise the tax gasoline? Is he freaking insane?!
For crying out loud folks, make some damn noise. When those of us living in the People's Republic of Massachusetts going to get fed up??
1 comment:
I think he should raise the tax on gas to pay for the big dig. It's more fair than the tolls. IMO That aside, I too heard this this morning. And I say NO! NO, you cannot tax me on what I buy out of state. However, there is president for this. At least in some ways. I do know that if you buy a car out of state, and even if you are living in that state at the time, legally, you still have to pay the sales tax on it when you register it here in MA. I think you have to live there 3 months to avoid that. Boats and other exise taxable items probably all fall under this rule.
But as for anything like 'stuff', no, there is no way in hell anyone should be able to ask me for my ID to report me to my home state so I can pay taxes there. And hey, is the state of MA going to reimburse the other states for all that added paperwork? I think not.
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