I wanted to get this blog out quickly before things started to take shape and I looked like I was simply stating the obvious. I want to make a prediction for the coming 4 years. Here it is.
I predict that the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. will be one of the most corrupt, scandal-ridden administrations in US history.
I predict that over the next four years, his cabinet members and appointees will be paraded through the press, one after another, each with their hands caught in the cookie jar, double-dealing, conflicts of interest, tax evasion, misappropriation, etc. You name it, it's going to happen to this administration.
I think this administration is going to make that of Ulysses Simpson Grant look good.
Why am I saying this? Is it a race thing? Is it a socialist thing? Nope.
I'm saying it because of the arrogance I see in this administration. I see it because Obama and his cronies (and that's what they are) believe they're going to the White House with a mandate. They are convinced that we all love them, that they're the darlin's of the country, and that we believe they can do no wrong. It's going to go right to their head, and it's going to poison them.
I'm saying it because the Chicago political machine that spawned him is rotten to the core and as corrupt as Tammany Hall back in the 1850s. Obama hasn't even taken office yet and the corruption in Chicago has started bubbling to the surface.
I'm saying it because the people he'll no doubt put into power have wanted it for a very long time. When they get it, they're going to act as if they deserved it.
I'm saying it because the Clinton Administration made corruption okay. "Hey, if Bill can do it, why can't we?"
I wanted to put this into writing now because, I think, after people are done picking me apart for saying it, in a year or two we'll all look back and quietly nod.
I seriously LOVE the way you write. I love reading your opinions, and the way you state them in a matter-of-fact tone, with just an underlying hint of sarcasm and wit =P
I am intrigued to see how the new Obama presidency will roll out....I am not up to speed on US politics...however, can he really be as bad as Bush?!
I have to say, with this election being the first of its kind, and a moment to note in history, I can see the postives AND the negatives of it. The first black president? Likely to make EVERYTHING about their "struggle", their "hardships", their "discriminations"...funny how all the people who complain about it are those that are living off welfare with no reason to, committing crime, and gang banging...sorry, was that too UN-politically correct?!
I'm sort of surprised you don't question his right to be president based on the fact that there are still questions about his birth certificate. lol
I hope you are wrong. Mr. Obama strikes me as being a very in control person, someone who wants things done his way. I hope he will keep all these former Clinton people in line. He is young, and he doesn't have the years in that might give him more connections. I think more time in the Senate would have been better, but that's is water under the bridge.
I don't love Obama, but I'm sure ready to put the Bush years behind me. And I recall that the Clinton years were very good economically, which was perhaps just a fluke. Surely after the 8 years of Bush, it's going to take a lot to get out of this mess, if we ever do.
I thought that when Clinton was in, he was an embarrassment to the country. Now I would rather have him back in the White House running a brothel if we could have avoided what Bush did. Hind sight is 20/20 as they say, and Bush shore puts the term 'embarrassment' inter perspective.
---I am intrigued to see how the new Obama presidency will roll out....I am not up to speed on US politics...however, can he really be as bad as Bush?!
In an immediate, "Holy crap, our nation is going to poo!" sense? No. On a larger scale, looking at multiple generations of Americans, possibly even all of humanity? Absolutely. More than the recession, more than any social or political issues, we're facing huge resource and energy crises. Obama's very "hopeful" plans to make things all better are too gentle. They're nowhere near aggressive enough. Obama's work, so far, appears to be focused on making the different factions around the US, and some outside of the US, be friendly. He wants people to work together. He's going to great lengths not to offend peopled.
That's what is offending me.
We need fast, decisive, absolute action. We are very close to a point where diplomacy will not work. As the US infrastructure continues to crumble around us and more and more of consumer products are created outside of our borders, nothing is being done to consolidate our strength or our resources. Even though a great many things that we DO rely upon are with allies and neighbors, ask yourself this:
When it comes to caring for their people or ours, who is going to get taken care of, first?
So, back to the original point: In the immediate, "what we see on the nightly news," Obama is going to be GREAT. He can smooth over opposition. He can quell concerns of critics. He can be incredibly diplomatic with our enemies and appease their immediate ire.
Our grandchildren and great grandchildren will look at him as people now do, for FDR. Charismatic. Built a nice little bit of an empire. Turned the Depression into the Great Depression. His programs, inaction, and unwillingness to say, "I am the one who's in charge. I am the one who says yes! No! Now! Here!"
...Because it's universal, man. It is evolutional. It is anthropological. It is biological. It is animal.
The resource wars are coming, and this is not a man who is prepared to face them.
--I don't love Obama, but I'm sure ready to put the Bush years behind me. And I recall that the Clinton years were very good economically, which was perhaps just a fluke. Surely after the 8 years of Bush, it's going to take a lot to get out of this mess, if we ever do. (Emphasis mine)
I'm afraid that we've crossed a tipping point. From so many indicators that I've seen in the last six months, we're headed for an economic collapse. The best thing that I can see Obama--or ANYONE lacking magical, miraculous powers--doing for us is to delay the crash or prolong the downward slide. As nihilistic as this may sound, the very best thing for our economy right now is to let it crash. Stop with all of the propping up--because the more that we prop up a dying economy, the more that piles up behind it, and the more that actually falls when everything comes down. Instead, let market forces do what they do. Let everything fall out on its own, and when this twisted crystal tower has toppled, we can rebuild something more effective, something stronger, and something more in-line with the intent of our founding fathers.
Because for as long as we remain locked in a fractional reserve system, we will continue to have periodic collapses. We cannot have infinite growth on a finite planet.
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