mathguyone: Your blog entry today is one of the funniest things I have read in a long time
Glenotheunraedy: You liked it?
mathguyone: The Sixth Stair was a riot
mathguyone: On a scale of 0 to 137, how much of it is true?
Glenotheunraedy: :-) You're actually the only one who's IMed me and knew it was BS.
Glenotheunraedy: The story starts off true enough. I did have two dreams when I was like five just as I described, and frankly, you'd laugh me to scorn to know how many times I got spooked going up those stairs, but that's where the reality ends and where my goofiness starts.
mathguyone: The reason that you are getting so many concerned IMs is because you hang out with pagans and witches
mathguyone: When your friends hear that there is a ghost, they wonder if they left one behind when they were last over
Glenotheunraedy: lol
Glenotheunraedy: Not true
Glenotheunraedy: Some are a Christians.
mathguyone: Charismatics
Glenotheunraedy: hehehe
mathguyone: Every parking space is an answered prayer and every empty stapler is a demon
Glenotheunraedy: I had a Type III demon trapped in the copier at work yesterday.
Glenotheunraedy: Wait. Crap! I'm boned now.
mathguyone: Did it hurt?
Glenotheunraedy: Did you see the comment from Michelle?
Glenotheunraedy: Michelle is the sweetest, nicest girl you could meet. She plays WoW and I'd be horrified if I offended her.
mathguyone: But you did, didn't you?
Glenotheunraedy: I was going to post how this whole thing was just BS in another post in a day or two, but after her impassioned post, I'd feel horrible.
mathguyone: She believes in ghosts
Glenotheunraedy: I don't know what to do. I guess I'll have to make things worse.
Glenotheunraedy: I’ll post some more stories about how strange goings-on have been happening and really stir up the pot, get people concerned for me. I'll just have to keep this lie up until I die.
mathguyone: The only thing to do now is have an exorcism
Glenotheunraedy: Hey... Yeah..!
mathguyone: You'll make everyone happy
Glenotheunraedy: That's a great way out!
mathguyone: That will tie up the loose ends
Glenotheunraedy: Come on over tonite and we'll film one.
Glenotheunraedy: That way I can get rid of the ghosts (and this story) and everyone else feels closure.
Glenotheunraedy: And they won't be mad at me.
Glenotheunraedy: I've got a couple of nice camera's here. Come help me stage something screwy.
mathguyone: You'll need to kill a chicken. I do not know why, but they always kill a chicken
Glenotheunraedy: Where the heck am I going to find a live chicken?
Glenotheunraedy: ...On a Thursday?
mathguyone: You also may need to break all of your windows
Glenotheunraedy: Oh, crap, you're right.
mathguyone: I usually am about these things
Glenotheunraedy: They always have a big asplosion at the end of horror movies. :-(
Glenotheunraedy: We need green goo as well.
Glenotheunraedy: Lots of it.
Glenotheunraedy: And guns that shoot weird glowy beams.
mathguyone: This is going to be one costly blog entry my friend
Glenotheunraedy: What else can I do? I can't have everyone mad at me.
Glenotheunraedy: I've got some money set aside for the baby's college. Maybe I can tap into that.
mathguyone: You either tell the truth or you claim that you confronted the ghost and convinced him to move on
Glenotheunraedy: You're right.
Glenotheunraedy: I have to do the right thing.
Glenotheunraedy: So, what can I say to convince this ghost to move on?
mathguyone: Disembodied spirits are often open to suggestions.
Glenotheunraedy: Like pie?
mathguyone: Yes, but that's not important right now
Glenotheunraedy: Chaosjackal is pretty concerned too. He wants me to buy a special infrared, paranormal sound recorder.
Glenotheunraedy: He says he's willing to buy it for me.
Glenotheunraedy: What should I say?
mathguyone: Remember, we're just covering up a lie with another lie. There's no reason to spend money
Glenotheunraedy: So, should I accept it as a gift then?
mathguyone: Take it, sell it on Ebay, and say it way destroyed during the battle
mathguyone: Obviously
Glenotheunraedy: That's great thinking.
mathguyone: do you want to hear something odd?
Glenotheunraedy: Odd is very relative, especially given this conversation.
mathguyone: I just read this today – (
mathguyone: There is a company for just this sort of thing
Glenotheunraedy: Zoinks.
mathguyone: You can wrap this up and not even lie
Glenotheunraedy: Yeah, by hiring a company to come in and dismantle my house? I don't have that kind of money!
mathguyone: Maybe they can do some pro bone work.
Glenotheunraedy: Accent on the "bone"
mathguyone: bono
mathguyone: "pro bone" is funnier
Glenotheunraedy: I think I'm already getting "pro boned" enough as it is.
mathguyone: You want a professional for that sort of thing otherwise you could get hurt
Glenotheunraedy: Geesh... Ya know what? Janet really is spending the night at her dad's house. I have to spend the night alone. I'm going to be all jumpy now.
Glenotheunraedy: What if something really does happen?