The Obamaniacs are calling anyone who disagrees with their opinions "unpatriotic" and "racist." The private citizens who show up at these ridiculous town hall meetings and voice their opposition to government take over of their healthcare are marginalized and accused of being planted there to create a commotion.
The simple facts of the matter are that the Democratic Party (and the untold number of Socialists who populate it) know that their time is short and they have to ram their agenda down our throats as fast as they can before we oust them in the next election.
For the which, by the way, let me take just a moment to parenthetically thank George Bush for the disasterous and near complete failure in his presidency that paved the way for the knee-jerk election that is on the verge of costing us our freedom.
But as I was saying, I just don't have the words to express the outrage that comes over me when I think about the sword that is currently hanging over our heads in the form of Obama's health care bill. Actually, I do have the words, but most of them are comprised of four letters and shouldn't be used in polite company.
Therefore, allow me to provide a few statement about Obama's health care plan that will no doubt be more insightful than what my own crude words could express:
Page After Page of Reasons to Hate Obamacare
• Page 22: Mandates audits of all employers that self-insure!
• Page 29: Admission: your health care will be rationed!
• Page 30: A government committee will decide what treatments and benefits you get (and, unlike an insurer, there will be no appeals process)
• Page 42: The “Health Choices Commissioner” will decide health benefits for you. You will have no choice. None.
• Page 50: All non-US citizens, illegal or not, will be provided with free healthcare services.
• Page 58: Every person will be issued a National ID Healthcard.
• Page 59: The federal government will have direct, real-time access to all individual bank accounts for electronic funds transfer.
And MUCH more...
Ronald Reagan's views on Socialized Medicine
(This was recorded in 1961 and is startlingly prescient.)
Yesterday someone on FB commented on the woman who challenged Spector, and in their comment, they said something about how this isn't about race. When I watched the You tube replay of it, I saw nothing said about race, so I asked why HE had brought up race. Who the heck is talking about race? I haven't heard anyone say anything about race other than the usual idiots who are prone to use such stupid comments to degrade Obama.
Um, no. These things are not true. You can read the actual bill:
There is no euthanasia. There is no rationing. There is no killing of your grandmother and baby. There is only coverage for American citizens.
If the government really wanted to kill us all, I would understand why private citizens would go to town hall meetings having a conniption. But these things are plainly and simply not true, and I don't understand where the rumors are coming from. Perhaps because I do not own a TV and can't watch Fox News.
A friend of mine just attended a town hall meeting where "protesters" were screaming obscenities in front of children and physically threatening a disabled woman who came to speak. They are burning legislators in effigy and portraying them as Hitler. If our government actually wanted to kill all of our old people, gee, that might be appropriate behavior. But, again, I don't even know how to refute a rumor that makes absolutely no sense. I don't know where it comes from.
Can you help enlighten me? Can you please look at the actual legislation and point out where the euthanasia and fascism are?
Because if they're in there, by God, I'd sure like to know.
But it sure looks like a corporate-sponsored conspiracy freakout instead.
I wish we could all just have the confidence in our own brains to read the legislation ourselves instead of listening to the opinions of scream-y talking heads on entertainment TV. We'd all have lower blood pressure, for one thing.
Honestly, though, the legislation is not perfect. If you read the actual bill and have an issue with something that is actually written in it, I'd be interested in hearing an informed opinion.
Until then... this newspaper looks about as credible as the National Enquirer. Don't get too upset over it until you confirm your fears. The information is free and readily available.
• Page 22: Mandates audits of all employers that self-insure!
Yes it does. Not sure what that means for our hero's.
• Page 29: Admission: your health care will be rationed!
This I could not derive from the page, so if you could spell out how you get that from it, let me know. I don't quite get what the 70%thing means.
• Page 30: A government committee will decide what treatments and benefits you get (and, unlike an insurer, there will be no appeals process)
13 (1) IN GENERAL.—There is established a pri
14 vate-public advisory committee which shall be a
15 panel of medical and other experts to be known as
16 the Health Benefits Advisory Committee to rec17
ommend covered benefits and essential, enhanced,
18 and premium plans.
(dont all health insurances do this, determine what they do and dont cover? I know you can't just get any treatment that comes along even if you feel it would be beneficial. )
• Page 42: The “Health Choices Commissioner” will decide health benefits for you. You will have no choice. None.
(1) IN GENERAL.—The Commissioner shall un23
dertake activities in accordance with this subtitle to
24 promote accountability of QHBP offering entities in
25 meeting Federal health insurance requirements, re-
1 gardless of whether such accountability is with re2
spect to qualified health benefits plans offered
3 through the Health Insurance Exchange or outside
4 of such Exchange.
(again, I'm pretty sure that your insurance company does this too. That's why they sometimes 'reject' claims for uncovered services.)
• Page 50: All non-US citizens, illegal or not, will be provided with free healthcare services.
22 (a) IN GENERAL.—Except as otherwise explicitly per23
mitted by this Act and by subsequent regulations con24
sistent with this Act, all health care and related services
25 (including insurance coverage and public health activities)51
1 covered by this Act shall be provided without regard to
2 personal characteristics extraneous to the provision of
3 high quality health care or related services. (can you narrow down where that says illegal aliens please. Does it define that somewhere else in the bill? )
• Page 58: Every person will be issued a National ID Healthcard.
‘‘(D) enable the real-time (or near real6
time) determination of an individual’s financial
7 responsibility at the point of service and, to the
8 extent possible, prior to service, including
9 whether the individual is eligible for a specific
10 service with a specific physician at a specific fa11
cility, which may include utilization of a ma12
chine-readable health plan beneficiary identi13
fication card;
(and do you not have a health insurance card of your own from your insurer? If the government is going to issue health insurance, shouldn't they do the same?)
• Page 59: The federal government will have direct, real-time access to all individual bank accounts for electronic funds transfer.
‘‘(C) enable electronic funds transfers, in
22 order to allow automated reconciliation with the
23 related health care payment and remittance ad24
(Sorry to burst your bubble, but they already have this for anyone getting Social Security. All new SS checks are electronic transfers as far as I know. Not even sure if they still do the check in the mail thing, maybe on older accts. Most businesses are also being forced into the electronic age. Everyone wants the ease of on line banking, don't you think the government wants that too? Saves paper, easier for them. Sucks to be you if they make a mistake, but its the way everyone does stuff.)
If you don't like "socialized health care," you can keep your private plan under the proposed bill HR 3200. The reform would INCREASE citizens' options and decision making power. Currently there are monopolies or almost-monopolies on private insurance in different regions of the U.S., so consumers have little choice and are getting decreasing quality of care while premiums increase (over 400% in 7 years). In my area, it's Blue Cross Blue Shield. They are in it for profit, not making mid-Michigan a healthier place. Why would anyone be opposed to adding to the competition? Except those private companies making money off our illnesses? From the Energy and Commerce Committee's website:
First, the bill will protect and improve consumers' choices.
* If an individual likes their current plan, they will be able to keep it.
* For individuals who either aren't currently covered, or want to enroll in a new health care plan, the proposal will establish a health care exchange where consumers can select from a menu of affordable, quality health care options: either a new public health insurance option or a plan offered by private insurers.
* This new marketplace will reduce costs, create competition that leads to better care for every American, and keep private insurers honest. Patients and doctors will have control over decisions about their health care, instead of insurance companies.
Everything I've checked into this confirmed that there is (or perhaps was rather, given the way this bill is morphing) both rationing of care and "elderly counseling" which is clear to everyone is an attempt to talk the elderly into taking the cheapest way out. Government officials would set policy regarding what treatment options are allowed for what situations. That IS rationing.
The bottom line of this entire debate, and the reason that Obama has sunk his reputation and his public opinion polls is that the government tried to turn what should have been health care reform into an unprecedented power grab for control over the lives of its citizens.
Companies would pay higher taxes if they did not offer the public plan. They would be audited if they offered their own plan. (The power to audit, my friends, is the power to control.)
This is no corporate sponsored freak-out, m'lady, this is a patriotic response to obscene governmental interference in the lives of We the People.
I'm glad this debate has come about. I think it has been a wake up call to Americans that their are very serious threats to our freedoms coming at us from the federal government. I'm glad people have seen what's at stake and have taken action.
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