I've wanted a nice holiday for some time now and at last we will be having one. This 7 day adventure will be leaving port in Miami and trapsing about the western Caribbean, stopping at a number of exotic destinations.
This will be my third cruise. The first was our honeymoon which was to Bermuda. Prior to the Big Day, I encouraged friends and family to join us on the cruise. Most people thought I was crazy asking for company on our honeymoon, but, it became obvious fairly quickly that it would have been very nice to have had some people we knew on the cruise. After all, it wasn't like we were going away to a private island -- we were on a boat with over 2,000 strangers. To have had a handful of them be people we knew would have made it much better. Since it was formal dining, we were compelled to sit with the same two families of strangers every night. It was nice enough, but it would have been much nicer to have been able to share and converse with friends.
The second cruise was far better. This time, we went with several families of my extended relatives. What a surpremely glorious time we all had. Each family, each person had the freedom to do what they wanted during the day. Then, during supper, we would reserve a table for 25 and share our stories and laughter over the events of the day. If you go are ever able to share such an opportunity with your friends and family, I adjure you to seize the chance. It was truly one of the most enjoyable times of my life.
This time, it will be the three of us plus two. Janet's father and aunt will be joining us. This will give us some extra friendly faces to share the time with and, as a bonus, someone to watch Benjamin for a little while to allow Janet and me to sneak away to be alone. Janet's aunt genuinely loves babysitting "Jammin". She's agreed to watch him as often as we need. I am very grateful for this and will no doubt take her up on it from time to time, but I also can't wait to spend some time in the pools and on the beaches with the little prince.
I leave this open invitation to anyone who reads this. Join us! This is a very affordable cruise. (If it wasn't, Janet and I wouldn't be going on it.) There is more than enough room for anyone who would like to take some time before Thanksgiving to enjoy the sun and the surf before the snow settles in on us. I would love to have anyone and everyone join us. We have room for up to 2,370 of our closest friends and family.
Bon voyage!
I know some people can't wrap their heads around the idea, but my husband and I honeymooned with friends. It was great because we went to Mexico and had my best friend as a personal tour guide and interpreter. Also, free lodgings in a nice home!
Now we call all of our vacations "honeymoons," and they generally involve hanging out with other people that we know. It's fun to be generous with the love. ;) No, I am not making a swinger reference. Anyway...
Enjoy your latest luna de miel!
Are you paying?
Cruise raid LFM, PST Wolfgaar. Need 1 OT, 2 Heals, rest DPS.
I wish I could pay for you, CC, but truthfully, this is cheap enough where I think people who really want to go could do so without too much pain.
Janet and I got our room for less than $900 for the week for the three of us. That covers all meals as well. Apart from that there is the flight down to Miami (for which I had frequent flyer miles).
Come on! You deserve it.
I think I saw on the Carnival website, that the boats do not let babies with any kind of diapers in their pools, for health reasons. You might want to check, before you get surprised, and have to scuttle the ship.
That would grieve me greatly. :-( I never even thought of that. I sure hope it's not the case. I'm looking forward to teaching Jammin' to enjoy the water.
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