Of course, I'm talking about the story of a young boy in Africa who was burned by Mohammedans. How they entered his village; how they forced him at gunpoint to gather firewood. Then, when the wood was piled up and it had been set ablaze, they demanded that the boy convert to Islam. They threatened him. He refused, saying that he was a Christian and that he could not deny Christ. When it as clear that he would not convert, they threw him onto the fire to burn alive while his family watched.
I'm guessing you haven't heard of this or of the countless other acts of violence, murder, and deprivation that are part of the daily routine that Mohammedans perpetrate upon Christians and other non-Mohammedans. I'm guessing that you didn't hear about it on MSNBC, CNN, or in the Boston Globe.
You can see the story reported on YouTube here. The boy survived, though his body bears the scars of vicious cruelty perpetrated by the Mohammedans. (See 0:14 through 0:43 for this account. View further for additional examples.)
You didn't hear about this story, but I'll bet that you did hear about the tiny church in Florida whose pastor has announced plans to hold a rally at which he will burn a Koran. How many people will die in that fire? I'm guessing far, far fewer than will die today at the hands of militant Mohammedans. Yet, where is the focus? Where has the press and media leveled its aim? Which story is our airwaves being inundated with?
In your entire life, have you ever heard of the US military telling a private civilian what to do or not do in regards to their free speech -- and a church at that? Give me another example where the Secretary of State has spoken publicly and officially about the intentions of a private citizen.
Let me tell you what Secretary of State Clinton should have said in her statement. In a rational world where Americans aren't cowering from Arabs and their ultra violent religion, she would have said this:
The United States does not condone the actions of the individuals involved at the "Dove World Church in Florida. However, the United States vigorously guards personal freedom and the right of these individuals to their protest Islam and to exercise their freedom of speech. Be it known here and now, that if you commit any act of violence against American citizens, here or abroad, we will end you.
Any country that claims to value freedom of speech and will not stand up and defend their own for exercising it, isn't worth the paper their Constitution is printed on.
Today the American people are beset on all sides by enemies such as we've not seen before in our history since our earliest days as a sovereign state. We have fewer allies than ever before, and this at a time when the Arab-Persian world, fueled by the hate-mongering of Moslem zealots, is once again pressing against western society. What's worse, the very government that is charged with our protection is one of our biggest obstacles to our safety. They have refused to secure our borders. They have sued those who have attempted to do so themselves. They excuse the construction of Moslem mosques at Ground Zero as "religious tolerance" yet they turn their backs as millions of Christians are persecuted around the world.
Yet, one fringe group of Christians speaks out (as is their right) against Islam and threatens a symbolic act of defiance, and the government -- our government -- rushes to the defense of those whose stated intention is to hurt, kill, and enslave us.
We have indeed met the enemy.
When everyone--including people who preach murder--can offer free expression EXCEPT Christians, we have a problem.
I can talk about Buddhism, and I'm an enlightened hippy-type.
I can talk about Islam, and I'm a progressive.
I talk about Athism, and I'm an intellectual.
If I MENTION Christianity, I'm a heathen, a radical, a zealot, and dangerous.
Did not the early Christian church do much the same thing to the pagan populations wherever they went? Not all, but some?
I think, personally, that you are using a straw horse or whatever your term is that you always throw at me. Apples and oranges.
Can they burn the books? Sure, if they can get away with whatever burning permits they need. SHOULD they burn the books? Well, it seems to me the tradition of book burning is usually one of suppression of ideas and the people who have them. It usually makes the people doing the burning look bad, not the people or ideas of the book.
Should the US government be involved. Probably not. They shouldn't have been involved in the Terry Shrivo(sp?) case either.
But because we are at war in Muslim nations, it may be a concern of national security if this happens, as it may trigger repercussions that we as a nation should be on guard for.
I don't doubt that the 'church' will burn the books. And in return, someone will burn Bibles. And wow, won't we have all learned so much?
Imagine what John Lennon would have said... I wonder if you can.
There are (at least) three aspects of the Quran burning that I take strong exception to.
First: With all opinions, emotions and subjectivity removed, we, as citizens of the US, have the right to burn whatever book, flag or image that we like. That is the end of the conversation. This person in Florida is guaranteed the right to burn the Quran if he so chooses. Any attempt by the government to stop this burning on the grounds that this man CANNOT do this would be a violation of his Constitutional rights.
Our government should defend this man’s right to burn the Quran, but they should also ask him not to because the message that it sends makes this a more dangerous and more divided place for all of us to live. We should all state loudly that we do not support this action, and nothing that we believe in aligns itself with actions such as this.
This man has the right to burn as many books as he wants. He can wrap these books in the American flag and then burn them. The Constitution affords him that right. However, I would be ashamed of this man if he did so. America would be ashamed. Most importantly, God Almighty would be ashamed and offended.
My comment was broken into three pieces because I cannot be brief...Ever.
I'm not aware of any incident of early Christians doing "much the same" to any population.
When the apostles spread out and went on various missionary journies, such as Paul did, they were generally the recipients of beatings, stonings, and persecution, not the other way around.
As a follow up, please take a look at this brief article. I think you'll find it very intriguing:
Oh, no, Christians never do this kind of thing. Here, have an African version of your story, but with Christian Flair. Oh, but they aren't 'real' Christians. Well, maybe they aren't real Muslims either? Of course they all think they are. Just as the Christians on the crusades did, and the Christians that participated in the Inquisition were, and the ones in Salem MA who tortured and killed 'witches'. Good and evil in all people Glen, I'm not sure why you cant see that. cc
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